Growing up we did not have much money, yet my family managed to make the holidays magical. My grandmother, a seamstress, would not only make us beautiful dresses, but she designed and made matching dresses for our dolls. I vividly remember my mother making a Christmas tree village out of paper cones, green icing and silver dragée candy. My father's patients, who could not always pay him, would walk to our apartment with Christmas gifts of knitted scarves and hats. We looked forward to our superintendent's wife's homemade German cookies; the entire building smelled heavenly for weeks. These memories highlight for me the importance of homemade gifts and more importantly the gift of giving from the heart.
Herb-Garden Vinegar
adapted from
Martha Stewart's
adapted from
Martha Stewart's
4 sprigs fresh thyme
4 sprigs fresh rosemary
2 large garlic cloves, peeled
1 quart Champagne vinegar
4 sprigs fresh thyme
4 sprigs fresh rosemary
2 large garlic cloves, peeled
1 quart Champagne vinegar
Add thyme, rosemary, and garlic cloves to a container of vnegar and close tightly. Allow to sit for at least a week before using.
follow Anne on twitter and Instagram@AnneFretz
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