Tequila Blanco Rickey

Crisp and bubbly with hints of citrus, Tequila Blanco Rickey is a perfect hot - day cocktail to enjoy with your friends. Happy Summer!

                                                         Tequila Blanco Ricky
                                                                 adapted from
                                                        The Best Craft Cocktails
                                             Jeremy LeBlanc and Christine Diocese

1/2 oz. tequila uno  blanco
1/4 oz. blue agave nectar
1/4 oz. fresh lime juice
1 oz. soda water
Lime zest for garnish

Salt for rimming (optional) Combine tequila, agave, and lime juice in a Boston shaker with 20 pieces of ice until a thin icy skin appears in your tin. Pour and strain over large ice cubes in a standard bucket glass and top with soda. Garnish with zest of lime. Like a bite? Balance the drink with a thin rim of salt.

follow Anne on twitter and Instagram @AnneFretz

