DIY Facial Scrub

This Mother's Day pamper mom with a diy facial scrub.

                                          Exfoliating Peach Scrub/Mask
                                                             adapted from
                                               Homemade Body Scrubs
                                            and Masks for Beginners

1 ripe peach
1/2 tablespoon raw honey
1/2 teaspoon olive
1 teaspoon brown sugar

Peel and pit peach, and then make a puree out of it using a blender. Heat honey to make it a liquid and add to peach puree. Mix honey and puree together with other ingredients. Cool before using.

Apply to skin and neck, gently massaging for about 2 minutes. Leave it on skin for an additional 9 minutes and then wash.

Useful Tip
You can replace olive oil with other essential of your choice. Keep the remaining mixture in the refrigerator for subsequent use.

follow Anne on twitter and Instagram @AnneFretz
