Matzo Ball Soup and Memories

When I began teaching at Beginning Years, I replaced a loved and popular teacher midway through the year. I remember the nervousness  that first day as the doors opened to welcome the children and their  parents. However, the nerves vanished immediately as each and every parent welcomed me in such a warm and loving way; I knew I had made the right decision in accepting the job.

I loved learning about and celebrating holidays throughout my time at Beginning Years. In fact on one particular Passover, I had the best matzo ball soup. At the end of the year, the class parents presented me with Joy of Cooking . With such happy and treasured memories of that year and my love for the children and their parents, it seems fitting the recipe I picked from Joy of Cooking is matzo ball soup.

                                                              Matzo Ball Soup
                                                                  adapted from
                                                               Joy of Cooking
                                                             Irma S. Rombauer,
                                                       Marion Rombauer Becker
                                                             and Ethan Becker

About 6 cups; 12 to 14 large balls.

This simple classic is wonderful with or without the optional additions.
Beat on medium speed for 1 minute:
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon salt
If desired, stir in:
1/2 cup finely diced fennel; 2 tablespoons snipped fresh dill and 4 teaspoons snipped fresh or dried chives; or chopped fresh parsley and 2 tablespoons snipped fresh  dill (optional)

Stir in:
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon soda water
Fold in until well blended:
1 cup matzo meal
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 to 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger
    or 1 teaspoon ground  (optional)

Cover and refrigerate for 1 to 4 hours.

With wet hands, form the matzo balls. Drop the balls into a large pot of boiling salted water. When the matzo balls are almost finished, heat in a soup pot:
6 cups chicken stock 

Season with:
1/4 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper (optional)

When the matzo balls are finished, add them to the stock. Ladle the stock into warm bowls and add 1 - 2 matzo balls to each serving.

Tip: Don't over mix! Just like bread, the batter will create more gluten, making your matzo balls tough.

follow Anne on twitter and Instagram @AnneFretz


  1. Matzo Ball Soup and Memories
    The Recipe: To Be Or Not To Be
    The secret ingredients are happy memories and love.
    #soup #matzoballsoup #matzomeal #eggs #sodawater #salt #pepper #blackpepper #stock #chickenstock #herbs #freshherbs #dill #fennel #chives #parsley #ginger #memories #passover #passoverfood #instaeat #instagood #instafood #yummy #passover #passoverfood #passovertradition #passoversoup #foodporn #foodgram #foodstagram #foodchallenge #matzoballchallenge #challenge #makingmatzoball #foodblog #foodblogfeed #foodrecipe #recipe #recipes #cookbook #thejoyofcooking #foodblogger #foodie #foodista #foodlover #therecipetobeornottobe #dazzlingpassoverrecipes


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