Crispy Spicy Air Fryer Chickpeas

It has been challenging not to gain weight during the pandemic, especially this winter with one ice storm after another. It would be so easy to indulge on a big bag of delectable salty kettle chips, but I am making the healthy choice of air fryer chickpeas. This gluten-free, low calorie, and healthy snack takes minutes to prepare and  little time to cook. Crispy Spicy Air Fryer Chickpeas are guilt-free and scrumptious; I know I will be making them often. Hopefully this snack will help me stay in shape!

                                                      Crispy Spicy Air Fryer Chickpeas

1 can 15-ounce chickpeas
   drained and rinsed
1 teaspoon hazelnut oil
1/2 teaspoon dried minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon dried minced onion
1/2 teaspoon paprika 
1/2 teaspoon harissa powder
kosher salt 
freshly ground pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon fresh oregano, minced 

Heat the air fryer to 390 degrees F.

Toss chickpeas with hazelnut oil and spices.

Place the seasoned chickpeas in the air fryer basket. Cook for 13-15 minutes, shaking basket a couple times.

Remove, add oregano and season  with salt and pepper to taste. 

follow Anne on twitter and Instagram @AnneFretz


  1. Crispy Spicy Air-Fryer Chickpeas
    The Recipe: To Be Or Not To Be
    This gluten-free snack is easy to make and scrumptious!
    #snack #appetizer #airfryerchickpeas #airfryerappetizer #airfryersnack #crispyspicyairfryerchickpeas #cannedchickpeas #chickpeas #cookingoil #hazelnutoil #spices #garlic #driedmincedgarlic #onion #driedmincedonion #paprika #harissa #harissapowder #salt #koshersalt #pepper #blackpepper #freshlygroundpepper #freshlygroundblackpepper #herbs #freshherbs #freshspices #oregano #freshoregano #gettinginshape #pandemic #icestorm #healthy #healthyfood #heathysnack #guiltfree #glutenfree #lowincalories #glutenfreesnack #foodart #foodgram #foodstagram #foodblog #foodblogfeed #foodchallenge #challenge #instafood #instagood #instaeat #yummy #foodpics #foodphotos #foodstyling #foodphotography #foodstylingandphotography #crispy #spicy #delectable #scrumptious #foodrecipes #recipe #recipes #foodblogging #foodblogger #foodie #foodista #foodlover #threcipetobeornottobe


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